Home America Now “5 for 5”: President Trump Racks Up August Republican Primary Victories and Special Election Win

“5 for 5”: President Trump Racks Up August Republican Primary Victories and Special Election Win

by Margaret Marie

In four Republican primary races that took place August 7 in Kansas, Michigan, Missouri, and Washington, the candidates with an endorsement from President Trump were victorious. The President was also able to declare victory in Ohio’s 12th District where Republicans sought his help in a House special election. The win meant that the Republican Party had officially won more special elections in the 2018 cycle than any cycle in its history. Trump tweeted “5 for 5!” the next morning and reminded the “Fake News Media” that “Republicans have now won 8 out of 9 House Seats.”

Trump had endorsed the candidates, pushed for them on social media, sent out robocalls, and keynoted rallies for each candidate where thousands attended. He has been a nonstop workhorse and has been lauded by Republican strategists and his staff for being a nonstop powerhouse for the party. Despite the mainstream media gunning for a “Blue Wave,” Trump’s victories are making it harder for Democrats to make the case that Republicans will be weak in November. While the Ohio special election and Kansas primary were close races, it is clear to strategists that Trump’s endorsement helped them edge out a win by energizing the Republican base.

Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale said, “President Trump is delivering the right kind of leadership, results, and inspiration to unify our party at just the right time to keep America winning.” RNC Chairman Ronna McDaniel also praised the President for his tireless efforts to rally conservatives in summer primary races, which generally have weak turnout, and his strong record on delivering on campaign promises.

McDaniel told Fox News’ America’s Newsroom that Ohio’s Delaware County, where Trump held his rally, was what put special election candidate Troy Balderson “over the edge” and that his visit was “why we won.” She also called Trump the “anecdote to Republican complacency” and the secret weapon to get enough conservatives out to vote to keep the President’s agenda rolling.

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