Home Breaking News Intel’s New 3D Technology to Bring More “Human-like Senses” to Devices

Intel’s New 3D Technology to Bring More “Human-like Senses” to Devices

by Jeremy Holcombe

Intel announced at the CES tech trade show in Las Vegas that they are developing a family of hardware and software technologies that aims to promote the use of voice, touch, gestures, and other “human-like senses” in 3D devices powered by its microprocessors.

The CES crowd was buzzing about the concept, and what this could mean for 3D technology moving forward.

According to Forbes, the first product in the new RealSense technology line is a super-thin 3-D camera that can be embedded in notebooks, tablets, and other devices. At a special media event at the Consumer Electronics Show, Intel announced “the world’s first integrated 3-D depth and 2-D camera module that helps devices see depth much like the human eye.”

“We see each other in 3D and touch each other in 3D. Why the hell do we need to look at the computer in 2-D?” said Mooly Eden, general manager of perceptual computing for Intel. “We will make machine interfaces natural, intensive, immersive. We will make it more human-like.”

Intel also said it is partnering with Microsoft to deliver more immersive experiences for users of Microsoft’s Skype videoconferencing technology.

The future of 3D technology could be something special, as we may be on the brink of some major breakthroughs in the science of integrating human thought processes and human senses into technology.

Sources: Forbes | Intel | Microsoft

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