Home Breaking News The Dangers of Government-Run Healthcare

The Dangers of Government-Run Healthcare

by Richard A Reagan

No matter how many horrific examples of government-run healthcare have been published, there remains a core of committed leftists in this country who believe that only the government can provide adequate healthcare to the American people. They want to eliminate the system of private healthcare we have in this country and replace it with a government system guaranteeing healthcare to everyone.

While there are certainly problems with our current healthcare system, the solution is to move to a more free market system and away from the public-private hybrid abomination that we have today. Moving to a government-run system will be fraught with problems, as the experience of those living in the United Kingdom well attests.

By now most people are familiar with the horror stories that emanate from the UK and its National Health Service (NHS). From obscene wait lists for surgeries to being told that they’re not eligible for life-saving treatment, the NHS system is a nightmare for many Britons. And now that’s what the left wants to import to the US.

Not content with the existing system of healthcare rationing, the NHS is also getting into the social engineering game. The NHS has now declared that it will deny healthcare to those patients deemed to be racist or sexist. That’s pretty disturbing, that the government first mandates that everyone be registered with the NHS, then decides that it will dictate that certain people will be ineligible for healthcare due to their beliefs. It shouldn’t matter what someone thinks; if they need medical treatment, they should be able to get it.

Further, the UK has gone so far off the deep end that there’s no telling what “racist” or “sexist” even mean any more. If your Pakistani-born doctor molests you during a visit and you report him, there’s every chance in Britain that you’ll be labeled a racist and thus unable to get healthcare. If you’re a woman who wants to see a female doctor but you get assigned a transgender “woman” doctor, i.e. a male cross-dresser with severe psychological issues, you might be labeled sexist if you refuse to see him, thus ending your ability to get healthcare.

It doesn’t take much imagination to see the problems that a government-run healthcare system can cause. We even have the example of the VA here in the US, that has consistently failed to protect America’s veterans. So the next time you hear Democrats pushing for more government involvement in healthcare, be sure to fight it tooth and nail. Otherwise there may come a day when you lose your access to healthcare just for holding views that the leftist establishment doesn’t like.

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