Home America Now New Poll Shows 92% of Americans Afraid Their Rights Are Being Threatened

New Poll Shows 92% of Americans Afraid Their Rights Are Being Threatened

by Richard A Reagan

If you are afraid of losing your rights, you are not alone. 92% of Americans today are afraid of losing their rights, and we’re not talking about “rights” to free health care, free education, etc. In fact, the three top concerns among Americans are losing the right to free speech, the right to bear arms, and the right to equal justice. Freedom of expression and freedom of religion round out the top 5 freedoms that Americans are afraid of losing.

There’s good reason to fear losing all of those rights, particularly given the bills that Democrats have proposed in many states in the country. But the fact that so many Americans are concerned about losing their rights means that there should be some common ground that can be found among American voters, not to mention political hay that can be made by declaring one’s political opponents the enemies of basic rights.

To read more about the poll and what Americans think, click here…

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