Home America Now Will a Bernie Sanders Victory Mean Death Camps for Conservatives?

Will a Bernie Sanders Victory Mean Death Camps for Conservatives?

by Richard A Reagan

In case anyone was still laboring under the impression that Bernie Sanders was somehow different from the communism-supporting leftist that he has been for decades, a recent undercover video exposing his campaign should shatter anyone’s illusions.

The video, from Project Veritas, records a Sanders campaign field organizer glorifying the gulags and talking about how Bernie’s free education push is an attempt to re-educate people so that they won’t be Nazis. If that’s what we have to look forward to with a Bernie Sanders victory, let’s hope conservatives are ready to stand up and fight for their beliefs.

The video looks to be just the first of a series that Project Veritas is launching to expose the Sanders campaign, its radical leftist employees, and its goals if Sanders wins the election. To watch the video, head over to James O’Keefe’s Twitter post. Due to multiple instances of coarse language, viewer and listener discretion is advised.

Image: Michael Vadon

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