Home America Now Are You Ready for More Political Correctness in Sports?

Are You Ready for More Political Correctness in Sports?

by Richard A Reagan

In a country that is increasingly split among political lines, there was at least one thing that could unite both left and right: sports. No matter what your political persuasion, sports provided an outlet where people could forget about whatever political causes du jour were being shoved down our throats and just enjoy an evening at the ballpark, or watch competitive athletes do their best to achieve victory for our favorite team. But the left can’t allow any part of American culture to remain untouched, and it is doing its best to force its views into the sports arena, potentially turning off vast numbers of Americans from professional sports forever.

The saga of the NFL and Colin Kaepernick is well known by now. But now another San Francisco team finds itself in the midst of a social justice kerfuffle that it could have easily avoided.

In 2010, the San Francisco Giants baseball team won its first World Series Championship since 1954, which was the first championship since the team had moved from New York to San Francisco. The team plans to honor the 10th anniversary of that victory this year, but it has officially not invited one of the key members of that team, Aubrey Huff.

Huff was the team’s starting first baseman, led the team in home runs with 26, and his .290 batting average placed him second among the team’s hitters. It’s no stretch to say that he was a key part of the team’s success that year. But he’s also an avowed Trump supporter, an enemy of wokeness, and won’t keep his opinions to himself, which has him in hot water with his former team.

For instance, Huff has famously made fun of transgender pronouns, denigrated the Giants’ hiring of the first female coach in major league history, and often tweets in support of President Trump. In other words, he’s a normal man with a good head on his shoulders who understands the absurdity of social justice warriors and the politically correct tripe they’re trying to force on American society, and who is willing to stand up and call a spade a spade. And for that he’s being denied the opportunity to celebrate his team’s momentous achievement.

According to the Giants:

Earlier this month, we reached out to Aubrey Huff to let him know that he will not be included in the upcoming 2010 World Series Championship reunion. Aubrey has made multiple comments on social media that are unacceptable and run counter to the values of our organization. While we appreciate the many contributions that Aubrey made to the 2010 championship season, we stand by our decision.

Huff took the high road in responding to the Giants, which you can read on Twitter. And the “uninvitation” has been tearing across social media. It’s just one more instance of the classic intolerance of the left, which claims to be tolerant but really demands uniformity of thought along its own lines. We can only hope that the Giants get taught a lesson in the form of decreased fan attendance, so that this cancer of growing political correctness in sports doesn’t spread any further.

Image: Keith Allison

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