Home America Now Why Does the Left Project Its Failings Onto Others?

Why Does the Left Project Its Failings Onto Others?

by Anthony Buckley

If you’re not familiar with psychological projection, you should be, because it’s one of the primary methods by which Democrats and other leftists attack their opponents. Psychological projection is “a defense mechanism in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others.”

Think about how often you hear a gun control opponent claiming that guns need to be banned because people won’t be able to control their anger and will end up shooting innocent people. Very often people who use that argument become so enraged and unhinged when arguing in support of gun control that you realize that they are the ones who have anger management issues and shouldn’t own guns, but they’re just projecting their own problems onto others.

Or think about how leftists like to decry taxpayers for being selfish for wanting to keep the fruits of their labors, when the leftists are the actual selfish ones wanting to steal from everyone else so that they can live off other people’s labor. Projection is so firmly entrenched among the left that many leftists probably aren’t even aware that they’re projecting. And that’s why it’s important that we recognize projection and point it out whenever it occurs.

Former US Congressman Beto O’Rourke, who made waves during the Democratic Presidential primaries for stating publicly that he wanted to seize Americans’ guns, recently engaged in a bit of projection as he went off the rails in a television interview. Asked about school reopening in the age of coronavirus, he quickly veered off into discussing gun control and gun violence.

According to O’Rourke, Republicans have a “death cult mentality” that has resulted in deaths from shootings as well as deaths from COVID. The fact is that it’s Democrats who have the death cult mentality.

Democrats treat abortion as something sacred, and rejoice in the fact that over 50 million innocent babies have been murdered in this country since Roe v. Wade was decided. They actively promote contraception and homosexuality, two acts which deliberately pervert sexuality so that it becomes something sterile and dead, rather than fertile and life-giving. They are the ones talking about herding their opponents into reeducation camps, set to repeat the same vile policies as the Khmer Rouge, and unconcerned about the morality of murdering their political opponents. And they’re the ones who are rioting in American streets, torching businesses, and threatening to kill anyone who crosses them.

It’s the left that has embraced death and everything that comes from it. They fail to heed Jesus’ teaching to remove the plank from their own eye before they try to remove the speck from their brother’s eye, hence they ignore their own faults and project their faults onto others. And, the more it becomes clear that they’re not following Jesus, the more clear it is who they really follow.

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