Home America Now A Biden Victory Would Embolden the Radical Left

A Biden Victory Would Embolden the Radical Left

by Anthony Buckley

The upcoming Presidential election isn’t just a choice between President Trump and Joe Biden, it’s a referendum on the direction of the country. A victory for Joe Biden would mean the beginning of the end of America as we know it. While many people may vote for Biden just because they don’t like Trump, the radical left will take any vote for Biden as endorsement of a radical leftist agenda. The radical left is already licking its lips in anticipation, and isn’t even trying to hide its utter lack of respect for Americans and their freedoms.

Since the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, radical leftists like AOC and Ilhan Omar have called for Biden to pack the Court if he’s elected. Court-packing is an idea that hasn’t been considered since President FDR floated the possibility in the 1930s. But since the Constitution doesn’t specify the number of Justices on the Court, it is possible for a President to pack the Court. But would the Democrats want to set that precedent?

You would think the Democrats wouldn’t want to pack the Court, knowing that Republicans would turn around and do the same thing under the next Republican administration. But Senate Democrats were warned earlier that undoing the 60-vote threshold for cloture would come back to bite them, and they didn’t listen. While Supreme Court nominations may technically be able to be filibustered, the relative lack of historical precedent ensured that there wasn’t going to be a filibuster attempt. But had there been one, Republicans would have been sure to throw the Democrats’ disregard for precedent right back at them.

It would be the same thing if the Democrats were to try to pack the court in the event of a Biden victory. But that won’t stymie them. We have leftists like Omar, a Somali-born anti-American, rubbing their hands with glee that a packed Court might “better represent the values of the American people.”

And those same leftists are hoping that a Biden Presidency will result in a Cabinet packed full of progressives. The potential for mischief is unprecedented, and one can only hope that President Trump is successful, otherwise we’ll get a tidal wave of leftist policy. Imagine the worst that Obama did and multiply that times 1,000, and you get a sense of where Democrats want to send this country. The radical wing of the Democratic Party is in the ascendant, and unless the leftist threat is put to rest next Tuesday, we all will suffer for it.

Image: Gage Skidmore

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