Home America Now More Evidence of Voter Fraud Piling Up

More Evidence of Voter Fraud Piling Up

by Anthony Buckley

With days to go before Congress officially certifies the Electoral College’s choice of Joe Biden as President, more and more evidence continues to come to light indicating that electoral fraud was widespread in the election. Most of the news is focused on Pennsylvania and Georgia, two states that played an important role in Biden’s victory. Even if those two states’ results were overturned, it wouldn’t hand Trump the victory. But it would be enough to start digging into other states’ elections to see if there were similar shenanigans afoot. And that could certainly swing the election.

Among the most important recent electoral fraud items are:

1. More Ballots Than Voters

Apparently about 6.7 million people cast ballots in Pennsylvania, yet 6.9 million ballots were counted. That 200,000 overcount is more than double the margin of victory in the state, which certainly raises some questions. Among the most important is, will anyone try to figure out where these excess ballots came from?

2. Georgia Voting Machines Hacked Live

In a Georgia State Senate hearing on electoral fraud, white hat hackers hacked into a polling station’s voting machines as the hearing was underway. They demonstrated the ability of hackers to access machines that weren’t supposed to be connected to the internet. With early voting underway in the Georgia Senate runoff election, this is obviously a very worrying and concerning development. And while the Georgia Senate is launching a probe into it, will that be enough to counteract anything nefarious that has already happened?

3. Federal Judge Orders Georgia Counties Not to Purge Voter Rolls

Two counties in Georgia were ordered by a federal judge to halt their plans to purge voter rolls of county residents who had submitted change of address requests. The judge is the sister of 2018 Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, who has been a prominent advocate of voter registration and supporter of greater Democratic voter turnout, and she ignored requests to recuse herself from the case.

There are numerous other stories popping up every day, and if you’re not paying attention you might miss them. Needless to say, the circumstantial evidence of electoral fraud is pretty clear. The time it would take to nail down all the evidence behind every single instance of fraud would be massive, and consume thousands, if not millions, of man-hours, and the fraudsters know that.

While we may not have a choice in whether Biden accedes to the Presidency, there’s no doubt that he’ll serve with a major asterisk. And conservative grass roots will be fired up for the midterms in 2022 and the next Presidential election in 2024. We just have to hope that they’re able to make enough headway to uncover fraud that the Democratic machine won’t be able to continue pulling the same kinds of stunts they did this time around. If they’re not able to fix the system at least somewhat, conservatives are going to be in for a rough next few years.

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