Home America Now Free Speech and Fairness? The Left Thinks They’re Overrated

Free Speech and Fairness? The Left Thinks They’re Overrated

by Anthony Buckley

For decades the left in the United States has been at the forefront of supporting free speech. There was nothing too radical or controversial that the left wouldn’t defend against those who would censor it. But now that the left feels itself close to exercising the ultimate control over American society, all of a sudden free speech isn’t the cherished ideal they once said it was.

The idea that all viewpoints should be expressed and heard is similarly falling out of fashion with leftists, as they increasingly want to censor viewpoints with which they disagree. One prominent recent example of that is NBC anchor Lester Holt, who has gone on record as saying that people don’t need to hear both sides of the story before determining what is true. According to Holt, “I think it’s become clear that fairness is overrated… the idea that we should always give two sides equal weight and merit does not reflect the world we find ourselves in.”

Of course, it’s possible to only hear one side of the story and determine what is true, but only if that side of the story is the true side. What we increasingly hear from the mainstream media today, however, are lies, spin, and narratives. We hear what the mainstream media wants us to hear, with the spin they want us to believe, with facts and commentary counter to their desired narrative actively suppressed. The mainstream media today is in many cases nothing more than a leftist propaganda arm, and they want to stifle any opposition.

That’s why you’re hearing calls from prominent media figures calling for conservative points of view to be censored on social media. They know that the more active they are in pushing their propaganda, the more active and vocal conservatives will be in combating them. That’s their worst fear, as they want to remain in total control of the narrative. And that’s why conservatives need to be more active and vocal than ever, never giving in even if it seems the left has overwhelming support. If we don’t fight now while we still have the opportunity, it may be too late for us to fight in the future.

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