Home America Now Do What I Say, Not What I Do: Michigan Edition

Do What I Say, Not What I Do: Michigan Edition

by Anthony Buckley

From the very beginning of the COVID “pandemic,” one of the key things undermining the official narrative has been the lack of seriousness and even outright hypocrisy with which elected leaders and government officials have treated COVID. From Virginia Governor Ralph Northam posing for selfies with fans, to California Governor Gavin Newsom dining indoors at a restaurant, to Anthony Fauci watching a baseball game maskless, the message officials have sent consistently to the citizenry is that the COVID rules and restrictions are only for the little people.

Driving that point home recently is the behavior of Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. Whitmer, who warned Michigan students and residents against traveling to Florida, and who criticized Florida’s lax COVID policies, recently had to admit that she had traveled to Florida in March. She had initially lied when confronted with the allegations, but was forced to admit that she had actually gone to Florida. Then when she was forced to admit it, she claimed that she was visiting her ailing father, not just vacationing.

The problem with a liar is that, once they’ve lied, you can’t tell when they’re telling the truth. For all we know, there could be a lot more that Whitmer is hiding. But it’s pretty clear that she expects the peons to adhere to standards that she won’t hold herself to. That isn’t surprising, given her husband’s behavior last year during the lockdown.

Those in positions of power today feel that they don’t have to abide by the same rules they promulgate for us. While they have always done that, they’re even more blatant about it today, even when they know that everyone has a phone and a camera and can catch them in the hypocritical act. But as long as voters continue to put these hypocritical Democrats back in office, they won’t ever be held accountable.

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