Home America Now Pentagon’s New Diversity Initiatives Panned by Veterans

Pentagon’s New Diversity Initiatives Panned by Veterans

by Robert Wayne

President Biden has wasted no time in trying to imprint his stamp on the United States. He’s pulling out all the stops to introduce radical change into every facet of American society, including the US military.

The infamous stand-down that occurred earlier this year was only the start. Now troops are being subjected to diversity training and even being told by their commanders that “white people are part of the problem.”

The military has long been dominated by conservatives in the ranks, as conservatives value military service, patriotism, and duty to country. Conservatives see military service as a true measure of public service, a defense of America’s freedoms and the American way of life, and not just as another job or a source of government benefits.

But leftists have infiltrated the military, and they’re becoming particularly prevalent in the higher ranks. Obama’s purge of conservative generals is being followed by even more scrutiny under Biden, and before long we might have a military whose commanders are all more interested in social engineering and proving their wokeness than in proving their military mettle.

Combat arms and special operations are among the areas of the military where you’ll find the most politically conservative people, but it’s only a matter of time before their combat effectiveness will be eviscerated as Biden and his ilk decide that efforts at enhancing diversity are more important than picking the best and most effective soldiers to do the job.

Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX), a former Navy SEAL, and Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), a former Army officer, have established a site for whistleblowers to safely report incidents of wokeness within the armed forces. This follows the sacking of a Space Force Lieutenant Colonel who gave a speech criticizing creeping Marxism in the military. That Colonel’s reassignment is now the subject of an Air Force Inspector General investigation.

The one benefit from these efforts at diversity and wokeness is that if they end up reducing the combat effectiveness of America’s troops, which seems to be the end goal, then it will be less difficult for us when our leftists overlords turn the military on the citizenry. The only reason Democrats want to purge conservatives from the military is so that they can exercise complete control over the military apparatus and use it to crush domestic political dissent. The writing is on the wall, which is why so many veterans are up in arms about what is happening to the military.

The American tradition of an apolitical and nonpartisan military is coming to an end thanks to the left’s efforts at forcing woke ideology on the military. We’re at a critical juncture now, and if these efforts aren’t forcefully opposed and turned back soon, the US military, US servicemen, and the American people may suffer the negative effects of these misguided policies for a long time to come.

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