Home America Now Is President Biden Suffering From Dementia?

Is President Biden Suffering From Dementia?

by Robert Wayne

Throughout the electoral campaign last year, one of the most noticeable things about Joe Biden was the fact that he almost never made any public appearances. When he did, he was quickly shuffled away, and he almost never did anything in the evenings. Rumors swirled about his health and his mental aptitude, but the mainstream media did its best to downplay them.

Now that we see just how he really is, Biden’s consistent gaffes and misstatements are becoming embarrassing. The fact that he had to have his Secretary of State accompany him to what was supposed to be a one-on-one meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin is an indicator that Biden’s handlers didn’t trust him on his own. Then statements such as “I keep forgetting that I’m the President” lead one to naturally question his mental state.

How could anyone in his position forget that he’s President? 24/7 protection, the nuclear “football” following you everywhere you go, traveling on Air Force One, and spending every night sleeping in the White House: who else did he think gets to do this?

Just about every time you see Biden speak, you feel embarrassed for the guy. It’s clear he’s a paper tiger, a figurehead, a puppet being manipulated behind the scenes by his handlers. Is he even aware that he’s being handled that way? Certainly his comments that he would step down if he disagreed with Vice President Harris, or referring to her as President, comments taken as jokes, would seem to indicate that he might realize that he’s slipping. But if that’s the case, what is he still doing in office, and why did he run?

We could very well be witnessing a real life Manchurian candidate, as Biden is essentially at the mercy of his handlers, whose allegiance to this country is anything but certain. By the time his term is over, the United States could have ended up giving away the farm to China, Russia, Mexico, and any other country looking to take something from us. Far from keeping America great, Biden will merely end up serving as a caretaker President overseeing the continued erosion of the United States’ power, influence, and well-being.

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