Home America Now Are You a Meanie? Give Up Your Guns

Are You a Meanie? Give Up Your Guns

by Robert Wayne

Sometimes you have to wonder what is going through the heads of Democrats as they recite the litany of ways they want to control the lives of people who don’t live like them. On the one hand they claim to be open and tolerant, but on the other they can exhibit dictatorial and fascistic streaks that would make any Nazi or Communist blush.

Case in point is that of President Biden’s nominee for director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF), David Chipman. Chipman was formerly an ATF special agent, and has found post-agency employment as the head of numerous radical gun control organizations. To say that he has no regard for the Second Amendment or for the God-given right to self defense is an understatement.

In his testimony before the Senate, he stated that he wanted to ban assault weapons, although he couldn’t actually define what an assault weapon was. And now it has come out that he supports taking guns away from people who engage in “hate speech.” So if you say something that someone else doesn’t like, or that goes against the zeitgeist (like criticizing Critical Race Theory), Chipman wants to send his jackbooted thugs to take your guns.

This should serve as a warning to non-gun owners or to those who might casually support gun control that gun control isn’t the end game. It’s a means to an end, which is total government control over the populace. Once the 2nd Amendment is dispensed with, the 1st Amendment (and the rest of the Constitution) will fall easily.

Those of us who own guns understand this. We know that the push for civilian disarmament isn’t for our own well-being. It isn’t to fight crime, prevent suicide, or any other happy clappy BS argument you’ll hear from the ignorant gun control supporters. The purpose of gun control is to prevent all opposition to the government’s policies. Once more people wake up and realize that, hopefully they’ll get off the fence and work to try to defeat efforts at more gun control.

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