Home Survival Making Fire: The Most Important Skill There Is?

Making Fire: The Most Important Skill There Is?

by Robert Wayne

If you named the one skill that allowed human beings to flourish, the one skill that set us apart from animals, the one skill that ensured the continued existence of our species, what would it be? Most people would probably answer that it’s the ability to make fire. Without fire, life as now know it might never have occurred.

Being able to build a fire means being able to cook meat, reducing the likelihood of food-borne illness. It means being able to purify water, once again reducing the likelihood of illness. And perhaps most importantly, it means being able to survive the cold of winter.

Without fire, there is no way human beings could have traveled into the farthest-flung corners of the globe and survived, let alone thrived. But with fire, people could now migrate to Asia, Europe, and to the Americas. Temperatures that would have been impossible to weather with just clothing now became bearable, all because of the ability to make fire to generate heat.

The ability to make fire can also come in quite handy in a survival situation, which is one reason it’s so highly rated by survival experts. Look at any survival kit or bug out bag and you’re going to find at least one means of making fire, if not more. But having the tools to make fire only helps you if you have the ability to make fire. And that takes practice.

At Prepper’s Will you can find good tips for making fire in any situation. With the right equipment and the right technique, you’ll be able to make fire no matter what. It’s especially important to be able to make fire during windy or rainy conditions, two times when you’re most likely to need to be able to keep warm.

As with most skills, practice makes perfect. So if you have a fireplace, a fire pit, or a small grill, use them for your fire-making practice. Once you’ve learned the ability to make fire anytime and anywhere, you’re one step closer to assuring your survival when you may need to call on that skill to live.

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