Home America Now When Is an Insurrection Not an Insurrection?

When Is an Insurrection Not an Insurrection?

by Anthony Buckley

With all the hysteria the left drummed up after the January 6th protests at the US Capitol Building, you would think that they would at least report on similar protests since then. But that would require assuming that the mainstream media is actually in the business of reporting news, and not pushing the left’s favored narrative.

If you hadn’t heard of protesters attempting to take over the US Interior Department headquarters, that’s probably because the media did its best to downplay what happened. Many at the scene believed that it reminded them of the events of January 6th, with protesters violently attacking police and having to be repulsed with force.

Organizers estimated that at least 50 people were arrested after occupying the Interior Department’s lobby and refusing to leave after police confronted them. Want to take bets that the FBI will hunt down those who organized the protests and charge them with felonies like insurrection? I wouldn’t hold your breath.

This incident is yet another reminder that the government treats people differently depending on what their political persuasion is. So if you try to burn down a police building, firebomb a federal courthouse, or threaten to burn down the White House occupied by a Republican President, you’re going to get treated with kid gloves. But if you dare question the direction this country is going and try to petition Congress to right an injustice, you’ll get the book thrown at you.

It won’t be long before conservatives realize what’s going on. If conservatives are going to get prosecuted for protesting while leftists skate, there are only two alternatives. Either go all out and engage in the most violence possible, since you’re going to get charged with a felony anyway, or stop protesting and allow the left to run roughshod over us. If those are the only two options, conservatives may not have much of a choice, and prosecutors may rue the day they decided to railroad non-violent conservative protesters.

Image: Matthew G. Bisanz

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