Home America Now Illegal Immigrants Could Get Up to $450,000

Illegal Immigrants Could Get Up to $450,000

by Anthony Buckley

If you thought the federal government couldn’t come up with more wasteful ways of spending money, you’d be wrong. The Biden administration is in talks to pay hundreds of millions of dollars to illegal immigrants whose families were separated at the border under the Trump administration’s immigration policies.

The proposed payments would go to families of immigrants who were separated at the border in 2017 and 2018, and could total up to $450,000 per person. That’s an astounding amount of money, and it has many people up in arms.

The idea of paying money to illegal immigrants is appalling, for one. That’s nothing less than rewarding people who break our laws. And it will incentivize even more people to cross the border illegally, now that they know they might be able to get huge payouts.

It’s also a slap in the face to Americans whose rights are being trampled on by the government and who aren’t getting paid by the government. Thousands or even millions of Americans may be out of work soon due to the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate, and they’re not getting one red cent. Heck, they won’t even be able to get unemployment benefits.

And how about the millions of Americans whose right to bear arms has been violated by both state and federal governments. Are they going to get paid for having their rights violated?

You could probably put together quite a list of people whose rights have been violated in ways both big and small, and who haven’t been compensated for their suffering by the government. Yet the government wants to pay illegal immigrants? Talk about a warped sense of priorities.

As news of this spreads, you can imagine that it probably won’t be terribly popular with too many people. And it could reinforce Biden’s reputation for being absolutely clueless about the effects his policies have on average Americans.

While it’s certainly unjust to be favoring illegal immigrants over US citizens, and forcing US taxpayers to foot the bill for their illegal activity, the silver lining is that this could very well end up harming Democrats in next year’s midterm elections and lead to a return of at least some semblance of sanity to Congress next year.

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