Home America Now If You Want a Better Future, Educate Your Children

If You Want a Better Future, Educate Your Children

by Anthony Buckley

The future of the world is resting on the shoulders of our children. But too many people today don’t take the rearing of their children seriously.

As Aristotle famously said, give me a child until he is seven and I will show you the man. The childhood years are the most important years for personal development, but how many parents take that seriously? How many stick their children into daycare at the first opportunity? And how many send them to public schools afterward, without paying attention to what their children are learning?

It is only with the coming of COVID that many parents have started paying attention to what their children are learning. And what they’re discovering is unnerving.

Many parents probably naively thought that their children were learning reading, writing, and arithmetic, whereas they instead are being propagandized with critical race theory, LGBTQ+ propaganda, and woke social justice issues. People often wonder how they as good conservatives end up raising children who turn out to be liberal, and this is how it happens.

Every school district, every school, every academic discipline have teachers who attempt to propagandize their children. The problem permeates public schools, whose teachers are almost uniformly liberal. And it’s only going to get worse as younger and more liberal teachers enter the workforce.

If you want to make sure that your children remain solid conservatives, you’re going to have to remain intimately involved in your children’s education. If public schools are your only option, you’ll have to monitor every single thing your children are exposed to, because public schools don’t want parents to know what they’re trying to teach your children.

Even better would be if you could send your children to private schools that haven’t yet been co-opted by the woke agenda. And the best option of all would be to homeschool your children.

Not all families think they can homeschool, but often it’s just the case that they need to reassess their priorities. What do you value more: being able to buy nice cars and take fancy vacations, or making sure that your children remain solid conservatives who help improve our society and protect our freedoms in the future?

Too many Americans have chosen the path of hedonism and creature comforts, at the expense of the future. They’re only too happy to turn their children over to liberals who want to mold them, as long as that means they can enjoy the good life. If we want to ensure a future in which we can maintain our freedoms, we’re increasingly going to have to choose against immediate material comfort and instead invest in our children and their upbringing.

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