Home America Now Twitter Continues Censorship Rampage, Bans MTG

Twitter Continues Censorship Rampage, Bans MTG

by Anthony Buckley

Since we live in an age in which big tech companies can silence a sitting President, perhaps we shouldn’t be too surprised that Twitter continues its efforts to shut down conservatives. The latest target was Congressman Marjorie Taylor Greene, who was banned from Twitter for spreading supposed “misinformation” on COVID through her tweets.

That’s the reality of the world we live in today, in which social media companies are no longer hiding their cooperation with the government in shaping the dominant narrative. Anyone who won’t toe the line and endorse that narrative is silenced, even government officials.

Twitter and other social media companies try to make the claim that they’re just enforcing their terms of service. But if the terms of service are written to allow them to silence political opponents, then the terms of service themselves are the problem.

Regardless of your opinion of Greene and her stances on the issues, or of the way she expresses her opinions, you should defend her right to express those opinions. And you should decry the fact that social media companies are trying to censor her and silence her speech. Censorship is just as wrong and dangerous when it’s being done by corporations as when it’s done by the government. And when it’s done by corporations in cahoots with the government, it’s twice as bad.

How much longer will it take people to realize that these companies are bad news for America? They’re in bed with the Democratic Party and with the leftist-dominated federal bureaucracy, doing their bidding, shutting down opposition, and attempting to brainwash the uninformed and beat down the defiant. This status quo can’t be allowed to continue.

Unfortunately, with Democrats fully in the driver’s seat in Washington nothing will be done anytime soon about social media censorship. We’ll have to hope that Republicans can take power once again and actually do something about it this time. Otherwise there’s no telling how far these companies will go in censoring conservatives.

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