Home America Now Massive Immigrant Influx Feared as Biden Scraps Trump-Era Policies

Massive Immigrant Influx Feared as Biden Scraps Trump-Era Policies

by Anthony Buckley

As everyone knows, President Trump took a hard line against illegal immigration. That didn’t keep many immigrants from trying to get into the United States anyway. But many who did, and who tried to game the system, found out the hard way that bluffing their way into the US wasn’t all that easy.

Now President Biden is set to undo some of Trump’s policies that helped stem the flow of illegal immigrants into the country. And many fear that undoing those policies could lead to a surge in immigration unlike any we’ve ever seen before.

Specifically, Biden is undoing what is known as Title 42 restrictions. These restrictions mean that immigrants coming to the US and claiming asylum have to wait outside the US before their asylum applications are heard. Previously, they could enter the country, claim asylum, and then were released into the US pending their asylum hearings.

Not surprisingly, many of these immigrants then disappeared, because they weren’t actually asylum seekers and knew that their applications would be denied. The Biden administration is planning on undoing these Trump-era restrictions on May 23, and many fear a surge in immigration after that time.

Officials with the Department of Homeland Security are expecting that up to 18,000 people per day could try to cross the border once those restrictions are lifted. That’s a rate of nearly 6.6 million people per year.

Needless to say, there’s nowhere to keep that many people, nor are there even enough agents to police that many people. Agents on the border are fearful that they’re going to be overrun, and they may very well be unable to stem the onslaught of migrants crossing the border.

So if you thought Biden’s border crisis was bad already, it looks like it’s about to get worse, and solely as a result of Biden’s own policies. It’s just one more horrendously failed policy that could very well cement Biden’s reputation as the worst President ever.

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