Home America Now Biden Plans to Attack Republicans for Not Having Plan to Combat Inflation

Biden Plans to Attack Republicans for Not Having Plan to Combat Inflation

by Robert Wayne

Projection is one of the characteristics you’ll notice in most people on the left. They’ll always accuse everyone else of the same faults they themselves have. Yet they’re so blind to their own failures that they fail to realize that they suffer those faults themselves.

President Biden is demonstrating that today by his plans to attack Republicans for not having a plan to combat inflation. He seems to conveniently forget that he is the President, and that the Democratic Party controls Congress. Democrats are the only ones with the political power to combat inflation, yet they continue pursuing policies that will only make inflation worse.

Hopefully Republicans will be smart enough to combat this, although there’s a reason the Republican Party is known as the Stupid Party. Mainstream establishment Republicans have long failed to capitalize on Democrats’ mistakes, which is part of the reason our country is in the horrible situation it’s in.

Still, if Biden sticks to this plan of attack it should give Republicans a great opportunity to attack Biden and his failure to stop inflation. Biden could have nominated someone with actual knowledge of economics to run the Federal Reserve System and tighten monetary policy, but he didn’t.

He could have told Congress to stop spending money like a drunken sailor, but he didn’t. He could have advocated for fiscal restraint in order to keep the Fed from having to monetize government debt ad infinitum, but he didn’t.

Even though President Trump bears some of the blame for inflation due to his stimulus spending, Biden not only didn’t repudiate Trump’s actions, he doubled down and exceeded what Trump did. And he still wants to keep spending.

Hopefully more and more Americans are waking up to what a farce this administration has been. It would almost be funny to see how badly Biden can screw things up, except that it’s the rest of us who end up suffering the negative effects of his screwups.

Even if Republicans are able to capitalize on Biden’s failures and retake control of Congress next year, however, don’t expect things to get better anytime soon. We very likely have only seen the beginning of how bad inflation can get, and even the Fed’s planned tightening won’t make it better anytime soon.

The best we can hope for is for Republicans to help put up a speed bump to keep Biden from really ruining this country over the next two years, and for a better President to take office in 2025.


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