Home America Now Politics Isn’t for Nice Guys

Politics Isn’t for Nice Guys

by Richard A Reagan

For many conservatives following politics or reading national news, what’s going on in our country can seem disheartening. Democrats are using every trick in the book to stack electoral commissions and change electoral laws in their favor. Their ultimate goal is to ensure that no Republican ever wins an election ever again. 

Too many conservatives have taken this lying down. In general, conservatives are hard-working, honest, law-abiding people who believe in fairness and giving everyone a chance. But our opponents don’t believe in any of that. They believe in winning at any cost, and at exercising their power to force us to do what they want. And that’s why they continue to win.

Too many local Republican parties are dominated by people who want to be liked and respected. They don’t want to rock the boat, and they insist on playing by the rules. They don’t realize that Democrats are bending and breaking rules, or changing the rules of the game without them even noticing. And these Republicans are getting left behind. 

Democrats have turned ballot harvesting into an art form, while Republicans are still worried about going door to door to get people to head to the polls on election day. Guess who’s going to win? 

Democrats understand that it’s not how many people who show up to vote that counts, it’s how many ballots are cast that counts. And that’s why they have developed a ballot harvesting machine in numerous localities that is steamrolling Republicans.

In political discourse, Democrats have no problem calling Republicans racists, sexists, homophobes, transphobes, insurrectionists, and numerous other epithets. None of them have any basis in reality, but that doesn’t matter. In politics, emotion often carries the day over truth, logic, and reason. 

You can argue the benefits of conservative policies until you’re blue in the face, but all the Left has to do is call you names and no Democrat or undecided voter will pay you any attention. 

The few people on the Right who understand this and who are vocal about treating the Left the same way they treat us get castigated by country club Republicans who think that being respectable and conformist are still the best way to get elected. They’re the same people who think boring candidates like Jeb Bush, Nikki Haley, and Mike Pence are actually electable. 

The reason Donald Trump won the Presidency was precisely because he wasn’t a milquetoast typical Republican. He was brash and unapologetic, and unafraid to call a spade a spade. He wasn’t afraid to be called a racist, sexist, or homophobe, because he knew he wasn’t one and he knew that kind of name calling was BS. Contrast that with most Republican politicians today who decide to soft pedal their principles lest they be tarred with some sort of epithet.

Being a nice guy isn’t going to get you very far in politics. You can’t be afraid to get into the trenches and start slinging mud. And unless conservatives and Republicans come to grips with that and begin to push back, the left will continue to win elections and ensure that our rights continue to be eroded in state houses around the country.


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