Home News DPRK Today: Kim Jong-un Threatens to ‘Punish’ United Nations Human Rights Workers

DPRK Today: Kim Jong-un Threatens to ‘Punish’ United Nations Human Rights Workers

by Jeremy Holcombe

The psychotic North Korean regime of Kim “Fatty the Third” Jong-un is threatening anyone involved with a proposed human rights mission from the United Nations, saying “…anyone who challenges our dignity and social system and agrees to go ahead with the establishment of the [human rights] office will be ruthlessly punished.”

The United Nations announced in March of this year plans to establish an office to monitor the human rights situation in the Communistic prison state, after publishing a 372-page report detailing the regime’s atrocities, comparing them to the Nazis’.

A statement by the so-called “Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea,” the North Korean state organ that deals with relations with the South, also threatened South Korean president Park Geun-hye and the entire international human rights community. It called the planned office a “hideous politically-motivated provocation” and an “anti-North Korean plot-breeding organization,” supposedly a creature of the United States, European Union, and Japan.

The State Department is warning Americans that — SHOCKINGLY — North Korea may not actually constitute the ideal vacation spot.

The North previously referred to Australian jurist Michael Kirby, who led the committee that produced the report, as a “disgusting old lecher with a 40-odd-year-long career of homosexuality.” They have also called Park “a peasant woman blabbering to herself.”

In other DPRK horrors this week, a US citizen named Jeffrey Edward Fowle was kidnapped by North Korean authorities, held on “charges” of acting “contrary to the purpose of tourism.” In America, such a “crime” gets you banned from Graceland; in the DPRK, Fowle faces much harsher punishment. Two other Americans, Kenneth Bae and Matthew Todd Miller, currently languish in North Korean prison camps.

The State Department is warning Americans that — SHOCKINGLY — North Korea may not actually constitute the ideal vacation spot, emphasizing that one’s status as an American and as a tourist provides no protection if someone in the regime decides to make an example out of you. Seriously, if you want to vacation in a brutal Third World dictatorship that treats Americans like royalty, try Saudi Arabia or the UAE.

Sources: Reuters | Washington Post | Wikipedia



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