Home Health Help Put Snoring to Rest with These 7 Quit-Snoring Tips

Help Put Snoring to Rest with These 7 Quit-Snoring Tips

by Bruce Haring

Snoring is a problem that many people have and although it is often depicted comically, it is anything but funny when it is a regular occurrence. Certainly not for anyone sleeping near you! It results in the lack of sleep for the snorer and everyone who shares the bed, the room, and in extreme cases, even the neighbors – as just somewhat stated.

Snoring is caused when the muscles in the soft palate get so relaxed that the airway becomes partially blocked and the muscles vibrate as air rushes past. When the airway gets narrower, the vibration becomes more intense and the snore becomes louder. There are many factors that play a role in who snores and why. The good news is that the problem can be dealt with home remedies.

  1. Elevate the head of your bed – Raising the head of your bed about 4 inches may help in preventing your tongue from falling back and blocking your throat. It may also help in opening your airways. You can use 1 to 2-inch sturdy wood blocks or thick books to elevate your bed.
  2. Keep allergens away – Keeping up on housekeeping ensures that your home is clean and neat and tidy. This can help a lot in eliminating snoring. Allergens such as dust, pollen, animal dander, and other invisible irritants can lead to congestion and irritation of your airways, which can in turn, can result in snoring. You should also make sure that you change your filters regularly.
  3. Freshen up your humidifier – If the reason you are snore is congestion and dry air, you can try adding different oils to your humidifier or vaporizer. Some, like eucalyptus or peppermint, can help in opening up the airways and clearing out your sinuses while you sleep. Add 3 to 5 drops of your preferred oil into your humidifier or vaporizer.
  4. Adjust your pillows – Keeping your head elevated can help in opening up the airways and make breathing easier. If your head is too high, it can cause your airways to get constricted and make you snore. If you use multiple pillows or have one that is too thick, you should adjust the height. Your pillow should not be too flat or too fluffy. It should keep your head and neck in a proper position so that you can breathe right.
  5. Exercise your tongue and throat – Strengthening the muscles in your tongue and throat can help in reducing snoring because it helps prevent them from slipping backwards when you sleep. People tend to snore more as they age as well, because their tissues lose elasticity and strength, meaning that they fill up the airways more than they used to. There are exercises that you can try out, including:
    • Protrude your lower jaw over the lower jaw, making sure that your teeth are showing. Count to ten slowly as you do this exercise. Repeat 5 to 10 times per day.
    • Put your tongue out as straight as possible and as far as you can. Move it left, then right, and touch the corner of your lips. Make sure that your tongue stays straight throughout. Repeat this exercise twice a day in front of a mirror.
  6. Lose weight – Although thin people snore too, this problem tends to be more common among overweight people. If you have gained weight and started snoring as soon as you did, it may help to try losing some weight. Weight gain around the neck can cause the throat’s internal diameter to get squeezed. This increases the likelihood of it collapsing while you sleep which can trigger constant snoring episodes.
  7. Improve your sleep hygiene – Poor sleep hygiene or poor sleep habits can have a similar effect as drinking alcohol, reducing the resting tone of the muscles in the back of the throat. This increases the likelihood of snoring. Working long hours without getting sufficient sleep can overtire you and the muscles become floppier than normal. This leads to snoring. Acquiring plenty of sound restful sleep is important for health and is helpful in preventing and stopping snoring as well.

As you can see, the solutions to stop snoring are simple and easy. These tips can effectively help you get rid of snoring and ensure that you and those around you get a good night’s rest without noise. Snoring affects you too – you are not sleeping as good as you should be when you snore.

You do not need to use over-the-counter pills and sprays to separate yourself from a snoring problem. With safe and all-natural remedies and lifestyle changes, you can stop the snoring habit.


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