With financial experts constantly talking about whether the Fed will raise interest rates, what can get lost are the on-the-ground consequences for regular Americans.
Louis J. Wasser
Ronald Reagan, a legend and standard-bearer for his beloved Republican Party, was recognized for many things, but almost above all for his genial, beaming good nature. He was so well-known…
Tweeting, retweeting pics and videos. Creating self-aggrandizing Facebook posts. Getting coached on the best way to take a glamorous selfie. At first glance, it looks like heavy social media users…
Mouthing off like a teenager acting out. Insisting, contrary to the evidence, that everything he does is “the best, the greatest, the richest, the most,” while anyone who angers him is “the worst, a dummy, a loser…” Refusing to participate when things don’t go his way. Proudly flaunting his sexual peccadilloes and multiple marriages. Spewing below-the-belt abuse like a middle-schooler newly acquainted with offensive language. Could it be that Donald Trump suffers from a personality disorder?
Avery Gagliano is a child prodigy – a brilliant 12-year-old classical pianist who happens to be a straight-A student. According to bureaucrats in the Washington, D.C. school system though, she’s…
Words like “aging” or “graying” don’t even begin to do justice to the dynamic changes that baby boomers have brought to the U.S. population. The figures in a recent U.S.…
Behold – the dark, looming threat of 21st Century life online! Who would have thought? Who, other than George Orwell, that is. We now live in a world that invades…
No man goes before his time – unless the boss leaves early. – Groucho Marx In a recent article in The New Republic, writer Bryce Covert claims that Americans are…
Investing in solid companies that pay dividends has traditionally been touted as an excellent strategy for investors looking to build wealth over time. The thinking here is that the lucky…
“Federal and state laws should be changed to no longer make it a crime to possess marijuana for private use.” – Richard Nixon Bill Clinton might go down in history…