The price of housing in the United States has been growing exponentially in recent decades, pricing out many Americans. Those who grew up thinking that they would enjoy the same…
Richard A Reagan
The re-inflation of the US housing bubble is proceeding apace, thanks in no small part to the unprecedented level of previous support from the Federal Reserve. Zillow Research, a real…
You know you are back in an economic bubble when the mortgage finance industry wants to enable financially inexperienced consumers to obtain mortgages worth tens or hundreds of thousands of…
An interesting public-relations ploy in the mortgage finance industry is to never refer to rising prices as inflation. Instead, industry representatives always refer to it by the more palatable, and…
The latest Republican effort to overhaul the US tax code includes provisions to help businesses thrive and create a more favorable environment for creating more American jobs. The Tax Cuts…
With Congress feeling heat from President Donald Trump to get a tax reform package to him by Thanksgiving, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) unveiled the Tax…
Another week, another effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act, another political collapse. Here’s what happened so far this week on socialized health insurance on the federal level. Republicans tried…
Just about anywhere you go to eat these days, there are two words you’re likely to hear: “gluten free.” The bakery where you get your morning muffin has an assortment…
The older you get, the more of a challenge it is to keep yourself fit. But that doesn’t mean that deteriorating is inevitable. By adopting the right habits, there’s no…
You’re trying to use your credit card to pay for something, but it’s been declined. You know you’re nowhere near your limit yet, but the bank says you’ve exceeded it.…