One of the hard facts that becomes immediately apparent when you look at financial surveys is that most people are poor. In a candid look at the average American’s net…
It would be pretty easy to write the script for a hedge fund manager or brokerage analyst going on one of the cable business shows. First, point to one of…
Normally you don’t have to tell people they’re living on the edge of financial disaster; most already know and are trying desperately not to think about it. The reason those…
Being in the real estate industry in 2005 made it easy to see the housing crash coming. What drove it home for me was how many times respectable agents would…
One thing you can count right around this time of year is a series of gloomy economic forecasts. There’s a reason one of the stock market’s favorite witticisms is “sell…
Sometimes it’s hard to see what all the fuss over Greece is about. It’s a country with a landmass only slightly larger than Colorado and its main industries are tourism,…
Change is inevitable in life and in markets but that doesn’t mean you’re always going to like the new direction. For as long as most of us can remember U.S.…
Truisms are stories we tell one another so often that we start to believe they’re true, even though they don’t stand up to even the most elementary testing. By way…
It’s a given that no one wants to think of themselves as average. This desire to be better than average manifests itself in strange ways. One area it shows up…
It’s interesting to watch the investment world because, over time, you start to notice that it has fashion trends, just like the clothing industry. Hemlines go up, hemlines go down,…