Credit cards are easy to use, and can be helpful financial instruments. Today, many Americans use cards as reserve funds to cover medium to large purchases. However, it is also…
Retirement planning is an essential part of a person’s professional life because let’s face it, nobody wants to be financially dependent at any point in their existence. Well, no self-respecting…
Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) are one of the most popular retirement planning products in the US. Consider this – StatisticsBrain states that out of all the retirement investments made until…
Finally it has dawned upon you that retirement and cessation of income is a reality and you need to invest for the golden years of life. However, even before you…
Winter’s long gone and spring has come! It is that time of the year that you ready yourself for spring cleaning to get your house sorted and tidied. Similarly, spring…
There are times when you see your medical bill after a hospital stay for a treatment or procedure, and it makes you sick all over again. Unless you pay, there…