How much will you give up to have an affordable living space that’s convenient to your job? Your next home may be so small the mice are hunchbacked…
housing costs
An owner-occupied home is the biggest single financial mistake that most Americans make. If houses were sold on the stock market, the SEC would shut down the trading. If mortgage…
All real estate is local. You hear that a lot when you’re out shopping for a home, usually when your agent wants to put to rest some fear you have…
Along with American waistlines, American homes have gotten fatter. Even back in 2014, the size of the average American home ballooned to nearly 2,600 square feet and that average means…
The view of housing most people carry around with them has its roots in the 1950s. In those days housing was frequently collocated with jobs and factories that no longer…
You can’t see inflation and, in the last few decades, you haven’t even been able to feel it. That’s because inflation is an expert at camouflage. Inflation knows how to…
For many 2014 went into the books as the year of the rent increase. That wouldn’t happen again they said; rents couldn’t keep going up that fast they said. They…
It’s not your imagination. If you feel you’ve been paying more these days and not actually getting more, there is plenty of new data out to support what your checking…
“Free” may be the most beautiful word in the English language. Free beer, free food, free tuition, tax-free, cellulite free… the list of magical phases goes on. But topping them…
Last month housing starts in the US were up nearly 23%, signaling that there is still a lot of pent-up demand for new homes. As Americans line up in near…