Credit cards are easy to use, and can be helpful financial instruments. Today, many Americans use cards as reserve funds to cover medium to large purchases. However, it is also…
Six million homeowners in the U.S. owed more money than their house was worth in Q4 of 2015 and, in the bizarro world of modern economics, that’s the good news.…
A surprising number of Americans have little in the way of investments and a sad number have none at all. One has to wonder how the non-investing fraction of our fellow…
The economy and personal finance are moving targets and that makes conventional wisdom a rear-facing metric. One topic that goes a long way back in conventional thinking is the concept…
This Winter put a damper on the economy, which is pretty amazing when you think about it. Even in the absence of epic snowstorms and traffic-snarling ice, winter has never…
One of the frustrating things about personal finance is watching people, smart people, make the same mistakes over and over. Those bad decisions happen at the personal level, then bubble…
You’ve probably seen the television commercials. The likes of Alex Trebek, former Senator Fred Thompson, Henry Winkler, and Pat Boone are featured, all telling you with a concerned look —…
You see them on TV — the parade of “B” actors talking in smooth, reassuring tones about how great a reverse mortgage can be. If it’s such a great deal,…